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What to Expect Trekking Lodge in Nepal

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A typical trekkers lodge in the hills has a central dining room with wooden tables and chairs. The kitchen room and now every hotel they have a hot dining hall.
The rooms will usually be the minimum size to accommodate two beds. The walls and door will be wood. Some places provide a cotton quit and hard pillow but don't count on finding these everywhere. Beds are wooden bench-like structures with either cotton or foam matters, usually covered with a bed sheet with freshly laundered, Some hotels have an attached bathroom but some hotels don't have a toilet inside the room you should go outside for toilet & nowadays Tea House has wifi so you can use wifi during your stay in the Tea House.
Trekkers seem to thrive on hot showers so almost all lodges offer this facility. There are a growing number of solar-heated showers in the hills and some lodges have hot bucket water for showers.
About the food, you will have a menu order food and owners have had training from ACAP or the hotel training center in Kathmandu.


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